• Foggy Peaks and Hidden Secrets: A Montserrat Mystery

  • 2025/02/23
  • 再生時間: 16 分
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Foggy Peaks and Hidden Secrets: A Montserrat Mystery

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  • Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Foggy Peaks and Hidden Secrets: A Montserrat Mystery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/ca/episode/2025-02-23-23-34-01-ca Story Transcript:Ca: La boira cobria els cims de Montserrat com un mantell gris.En: The fog covered the peaks of Montserrat like a gray blanket.Ca: La Laia i en Xavi havien arribat aquell matí per buscar al seu amic desaparegut.En: Laia and Xavi had arrived that morning to look for their missing friend.Ca: Al poble es deia que s'havia perdut aquí, entre les roques i els camins amagats de la muntanya.En: In the village, it was said that he had gotten lost here, among the rocks and hidden paths of the mountain.Ca: Era hivern, i el fred tallava com un ganivet.En: It was winter, and the cold cut like a knife.Ca: La Laia era valenta.En: Laia was brave.Ca: Sempre havia estat curiosa, amb ganes de trobar respostes per als misteris més foscos.En: She had always been curious, eager to find answers to the darkest mysteries.Ca: En Xavi, al seu costat, la seguia de prop.En: Xavi, by her side, followed closely.Ca: Ell era cautelós, però el seu amor per la Laia li donava forces per afrontar les seves pors.En: He was cautious, but his love for Laia gave him strength to face his fears.Ca: El camí era dur.En: The path was tough.Ca: Les pedres estaven relliscoses pel gel.En: The stones were slippery with ice.Ca: La boira semblava una cortina que amagava el que hi havia més enllà.En: The fog seemed like a curtain that hid what lay beyond.Ca: A mesura que pujaven, el silenci es feia més profund.En: As they climbed, the silence grew deeper.Ca: Semblava que la muntanya mateixa els observava.En: It seemed as though the mountain itself was watching them.Ca: "Xavi, hem d’anar endavant," va dir la Laia.En: "Xavi, we have to go forward," said Laia.Ca: Els seus ulls brillaven de determinació.En: Her eyes shone with determination.Ca: Ell va assentir, tot i que el seu cor bategava amb temor.En: He nodded, even though his heart beat with fear.Ca: Continuaren el seu camí, deixant enrere qualsevol dubte.En: They continued on their path, leaving behind any doubts.Ca: Després de molt caminar, van trobar un campament abandonat.En: After much walking, they found an abandoned campsite.Ca: Les restes d’una foguera i una tenda trencada estaven cobertes de neu.En: The remains of a campfire and a broken tent were covered in snow.Ca: La Laia es va ajupir per examinar les restes.En: Laia crouched down to examine the remnants.Ca: Hi havia una petita nota, però les paraules estaven esborrades pel temps i el clima.En: There was a small note, but the words were faded by time and weather.Ca: Aquestes restes només oferien més preguntes, no respostes.En: These remnants offered only more questions, not answers.Ca: En Xavi va agafar la mà de la Laia.En: Xavi took Laia's hand.Ca: "Hem de tornar, és perillós.En: "We have to go back; it's dangerous.Ca: No sabrem res més avui.En: We won't learn anything more today."Ca: "La Laia va sospirar, mirant les ombres que ballaven entre els arbres.En: Laia sighed, looking at the shadows dancing among the trees.Ca: Sabia que en Xavi tenia raó.En: She knew Xavi was right.Ca: "Tornarem," va dir, amb una determinació nova.En: "We'll come back," she said, with renewed determination.Ca: "No estic preparada per rendir-me.En: "I'm not ready to give up."Ca: "Van començar el descens, cadascun perdut en els seus pensaments.En: They began their descent, each lost in their own thoughts.Ca: La Laia ara es preguntava sobre els seus límits i la força dels misteris.En: Laia now questioned her limits and the strength of mysteries.Ca: En Xavi trobava coratge dins seu per enfrontar allò que un dia temia.En: Xavi found courage within himself to face what he once feared.Ca: Quan van arribar al peu de la muntanya, el vent s’havia calmat.En: When they reached the foot of the mountain, the wind had calmed.Ca: Miraren enrere, cap a la majestuositat de Montserrat, i van saber que aquesta història no havia acabat.En: They looked back at the majesty of Montserrat, and knew that this story was not over.Ca: Eren amics, valents i decidits a tornar.En: They were friends, brave and determined to return.Ca: La muntanya guardava els seus secrets per una futura visita.En: The mountain kept its secrets for a future visit.Ca: En la seva tenacitat havia nascut un nou vincle, més fort que qualsevol por.En: In their tenacity, a new bond was born, stronger than any fear. Vocabulary Words:the fog: la boirathe peaks: els cimsthe village: el poblethe friend: l'amicthe rocks: les roquesthe paths: els caminsthe blanket: el mantellthe mountain: la muntanyathe winter: l'hivernthe cold: el fredthe mystery: el misterithe silence: el silencithe campsite: el campamentthe campfire: la foguerathe tent: la tendathe snow: la neuthe note: la notathe shadows: les ombresthe trees: els arbresthe thoughts: els pensamentsthe wind: el ventthe majesty: la ...
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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Foggy Peaks and Hidden Secrets: A Montserrat Mystery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/ca/episode/2025-02-23-23-34-01-ca Story Transcript:Ca: La boira cobria els cims de Montserrat com un mantell gris.En: The fog covered the peaks of Montserrat like a gray blanket.Ca: La Laia i en Xavi havien arribat aquell matí per buscar al seu amic desaparegut.En: Laia and Xavi had arrived that morning to look for their missing friend.Ca: Al poble es deia que s'havia perdut aquí, entre les roques i els camins amagats de la muntanya.En: In the village, it was said that he had gotten lost here, among the rocks and hidden paths of the mountain.Ca: Era hivern, i el fred tallava com un ganivet.En: It was winter, and the cold cut like a knife.Ca: La Laia era valenta.En: Laia was brave.Ca: Sempre havia estat curiosa, amb ganes de trobar respostes per als misteris més foscos.En: She had always been curious, eager to find answers to the darkest mysteries.Ca: En Xavi, al seu costat, la seguia de prop.En: Xavi, by her side, followed closely.Ca: Ell era cautelós, però el seu amor per la Laia li donava forces per afrontar les seves pors.En: He was cautious, but his love for Laia gave him strength to face his fears.Ca: El camí era dur.En: The path was tough.Ca: Les pedres estaven relliscoses pel gel.En: The stones were slippery with ice.Ca: La boira semblava una cortina que amagava el que hi havia més enllà.En: The fog seemed like a curtain that hid what lay beyond.Ca: A mesura que pujaven, el silenci es feia més profund.En: As they climbed, the silence grew deeper.Ca: Semblava que la muntanya mateixa els observava.En: It seemed as though the mountain itself was watching them.Ca: "Xavi, hem d’anar endavant," va dir la Laia.En: "Xavi, we have to go forward," said Laia.Ca: Els seus ulls brillaven de determinació.En: Her eyes shone with determination.Ca: Ell va assentir, tot i que el seu cor bategava amb temor.En: He nodded, even though his heart beat with fear.Ca: Continuaren el seu camí, deixant enrere qualsevol dubte.En: They continued on their path, leaving behind any doubts.Ca: Després de molt caminar, van trobar un campament abandonat.En: After much walking, they found an abandoned campsite.Ca: Les restes d’una foguera i una tenda trencada estaven cobertes de neu.En: The remains of a campfire and a broken tent were covered in snow.Ca: La Laia es va ajupir per examinar les restes.En: Laia crouched down to examine the remnants.Ca: Hi havia una petita nota, però les paraules estaven esborrades pel temps i el clima.En: There was a small note, but the words were faded by time and weather.Ca: Aquestes restes només oferien més preguntes, no respostes.En: These remnants offered only more questions, not answers.Ca: En Xavi va agafar la mà de la Laia.En: Xavi took Laia's hand.Ca: "Hem de tornar, és perillós.En: "We have to go back; it's dangerous.Ca: No sabrem res més avui.En: We won't learn anything more today."Ca: "La Laia va sospirar, mirant les ombres que ballaven entre els arbres.En: Laia sighed, looking at the shadows dancing among the trees.Ca: Sabia que en Xavi tenia raó.En: She knew Xavi was right.Ca: "Tornarem," va dir, amb una determinació nova.En: "We'll come back," she said, with renewed determination.Ca: "No estic preparada per rendir-me.En: "I'm not ready to give up."Ca: "Van començar el descens, cadascun perdut en els seus pensaments.En: They began their descent, each lost in their own thoughts.Ca: La Laia ara es preguntava sobre els seus límits i la força dels misteris.En: Laia now questioned her limits and the strength of mysteries.Ca: En Xavi trobava coratge dins seu per enfrontar allò que un dia temia.En: Xavi found courage within himself to face what he once feared.Ca: Quan van arribar al peu de la muntanya, el vent s’havia calmat.En: When they reached the foot of the mountain, the wind had calmed.Ca: Miraren enrere, cap a la majestuositat de Montserrat, i van saber que aquesta història no havia acabat.En: They looked back at the majesty of Montserrat, and knew that this story was not over.Ca: Eren amics, valents i decidits a tornar.En: They were friends, brave and determined to return.Ca: La muntanya guardava els seus secrets per una futura visita.En: The mountain kept its secrets for a future visit.Ca: En la seva tenacitat havia nascut un nou vincle, més fort que qualsevol por.En: In their tenacity, a new bond was born, stronger than any fear. Vocabulary Words:the fog: la boirathe peaks: els cimsthe village: el poblethe friend: l'amicthe rocks: les roquesthe paths: els caminsthe blanket: el mantellthe mountain: la muntanyathe winter: l'hivernthe cold: el fredthe mystery: el misterithe silence: el silencithe campsite: el campamentthe campfire: la foguerathe tent: la tendathe snow: la neuthe note: la notathe shadows: les ombresthe trees: els arbresthe thoughts: els pensamentsthe wind: el ventthe majesty: la ...

Foggy Peaks and Hidden Secrets: A Montserrat Mysteryに寄せられたリスナーの声
