• Intentional Living: Discover Your Freedom to Thrive

    Redefining Freedom: Health, Time, and Financial Choices Episode 56

    https://linktr.ee/livingwow In this episode of Living Wow Out Loud, host CallyRae discusses the concept of Living WOW, a lifestyle of choice and intention, centered around the understanding that the body can heal with the right environment, individuals should be their own health experts, and lifestyle can prevent or reverse most diseases. CallyRae explores the true meaning of freedom in terms of health, time, and finance, suggesting that freedom is about the choices we make rather than achieving a specific milestone. She reflects on the importance of health as the foundation for other freedoms and the impact of mindset on personal well-being. CallyRae shares personal experiences and insights on living intentionally, emphasizing the significance of making empowered choices to truly thrive. 00:00 Introduction to Living WOW 01:17 A Heart-to-Heart on Freedom and Choice 06:10 Understanding Health Freedom 19:20 Redefining Time Freedom 26:56 Exploring Financial Freedom 36:19 Conclusion: Embracing Freedom and Choice

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  • The Secret to Thriving Through Cold & Flu Season

    Episode 55 callyrae.com In this episode of 'Living WOW Out Loud,' host CallyRae discusses the transformation that the Living Wow lifestyle can have on one's health, particularly during the autumn season. CallyRae shares her personal experience with seasonal illnesses and the steps she took to overcome them by adapting to nature's cues. The episode focuses on three key principles: recognizing the end of the growing season and harvesting, mimicking animals' preparations for winter, and aligning our biorhythms with nature. Key triggers for illness, such as stress, sugar, and always being 'on,' are identified and mitigated by slowing down, managing energy, and adjusting diets to include seasonal foods. CallyRae encourages listeners to embrace the autumn transition for a stronger immune system, enabling them to avoid flu season and live a healthier, more thriving life. https://linktr.ee/livingwow

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  • How to Set Yourself Up for a Thriving Year With the Power of a Routine

    Episode 54 Even if you aren't going back to school, you can relate to this analogy of what's in your backpack applied to your lifestyle. This episode discusses the importance of having a routine and schedule in helping to regulate sleep patterns, optimize daily productivity, and ensure effective use of time. https://linktr.ee/livingwow

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  • How to Use Food As Medicine: Step by Step Guide

    Episode 53 https://callyrae.com/

    Today I want to introduce you to what my husband calls God's pharmacy and teach you how to recognize food as medicine and to think of food a little bit differently. Think of medicine a little bit differently. And as a result, empower you to be the expert in your body. We'll start with thinking about food differently. In the SAD culture, Standard American Diet and Lifestyle, we definitely think about food as calories in, calories out. That is deeply ingrained in our culture.That is not how we view food in WOW, in using food as medicine, using food as fuel. We're looking deeper. We're looking more broadly. Now we're going to flip the script on medicine. And instead of thinking of medicine as this quick fix. Masking.

    This is the most delicious medicine you are ever going to experience. I guarantee it.That's a side effect of food as medicine is that you start to understand and realize how delicious whole food and healing food can be. It is not only nourishing, but it is delicious as well.

    The last step of using food as medicine is the prescription part. Now you have your data. You know what your superfoods and what your personal poisons are. Now you figure out your personal script. Ratio. Frequency. Duration.

    The bottom line is that food addresses the root cause. And when we address the root cause of our symptoms, then we're healing. And when we're healing, we're thriving. Understand that food is medicine. And if we use it that way, we understand how to put it into our bodies, analyze how it is affecting our bodies, and then come up with our personal script of what works best. You will be living WOW, you will be thriving and understanding that root cause and healing. That to me is what it's all about.

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  • Living WOW On Purpose

    https://callyrae.com/ Living WOW On Purpose

    Episode 52

    So what does it look like to be intentional? It’s simple but it’s not easy. Simple because anyone can do it but not easy because most won’t.

    The good news is that intention is found at the beginning of any change because you can’t change something you’re not aware of. So, if you are at the beginning of your transformation from surviving to thriving and WOW vs SAD is new to you this is still relevant.

    This episode will discuss the aspects of SAD to be able to recognize it and get out of the current drifting away to surviving.

    Next, you will explore the hidden WOW of intention and complete a brief assessment of your 8 systems of the Living WOW framework to become the expert in your body. This will help you identify the 3 areas of greatest need and help you put your feet down and begin to move out of the SAD current and intentionally move into WOW.

    Finally, you'll learn how to maintain the thriving in Living WOW as the waves of life crash over you as they undoubtedly will. Just like a butterfly would never go back into a cocoon to become a caterpillar, why in the world would going back to surviving be an option? It's not.

    There is a flow that is undeniable when you are thriving Living WOW. It is energizing and joyful. It is easy to love and serve, move and celebrate, learn and grow. When you experience thriving you can’t go back to living SAD.

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  • Is Your Microbiome the Secret to Thriving with Autoimmune Disease?


    When I was going through my first transformation that I wrote about in 8 Lessons Lupus Taught Me: From Surviving to Thriving with Autoimmune Diseases the big revolutionary findings were focused on epigenetics and the fact that we could turn on or off our genetic predispositions with lifestyle choices.

    Now I am struck by the revolutionary findings of today which are focused on the microbiome and the emerging evidence that our lifestyle choices can support or sabotage our health based on the health of our “bugs” in, on, and around us.

    What is the natural response for most of us when it comes to bugs? Kill em, kill em all! Pests! Disease! Unfortunately, we have not understood the role of the bugs and as a result have inadvertently created much bigger problems. The degree of damage is still being determined as the microbiome is being studied and revealed.

    The most basic understanding that is widely accepted now is that we are host to trillions of biota that live in, on, and around us. Microscopic organisms that have various roles in our survival. Probably the most recognized are the microbiome of the digestive tract. Lesser recognized, but I would argue also extremely important are the microbiome of the skin.

    The question is not as much where they are (just assume they are everywhere) but rather what is their role and how can we cohabitate for thriving together?

    Year after year, study after study, the complexity of the microbiome is beginning to be understood. Now it is common to replenish and support the biome with prebiotic and probiotic foods and supplements if you do need to take antibiotics. Doctors do not prescribe antibiotics as quickly and broadly as they once did thanks to the superbugs that began to create a firestorm of terror in the medical community (especially hospitals and nursing facilities).

    Some of the latest studies are linking our gut health (aka gut biome) to immune function and brain function. Interesting when you look at the amount of bug killing compounds in our foods and environment. Could it be causing the rise in autoimmune diseases and mental health conditions of all kinds in all ages?

    We are making huge strides in understanding the biomes of the body, what some eat, how their waste is necessary to support our organs, how each one is individual and unique like a fingerprint. Western medicine is coming along in some ways but old habits die hard.

    Just like epigenetics turned our understanding of DNA on its head, I see the microbiome turning our understanding of our bodies systems and physiology on its head. There is still so much to learn and understand but I believe that the statement that Living WOW is founded on rings more true than ever.

    Our bodies are indeed designed to heal if we give them the environment to do so. Trusting and listening to your individual body so that you can become the expert in YOUR body is key while the scientists figure out the universal details for EVERYbody

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  • Just Breathe!

    Introduction to Breath Work

    Breath work is one of my all-time favorite lifestyle hacks. I think it’s underrated by most people. Because we breathe all the time, we just take it for granted and you don’t realize the power that is in your breath.

    There are a few reasons for that and today, I want to talk about intentional breathing.

    Living WOW is an intentional lifestyle choice rather than SAD which is autopilot. Everybody’s doing it. It’s the way we were raised, our beliefs and all those kinds of things. So SAD is over here in this surviving bucket of autopilot and Living WOW is over here in this intentional thriving bucket.

    Based on the choices we make and the little tweaks we do to our choices every day, little tiny steps add up to this intentional Living WOW. Then, the benefit of it is that we end up thriving because we get to the bottom of our dis-ease. We get to eliminate those triggers and recognize the things in our environment and in our lifestyle that either support a healthy lifestyle and thriving or sabotage it.

    I’m a speech language pathologist by profession so I’ve always taught breath for the purposes of voice therapy and also for fluency. That kind of breathing you are probably the most familiar with is called diaphragmatic breathing or belly breathing. It’s when we’re breathing way down deep into our diaphragm.

    So, we have diaphragmatic breathing, thoracic breathing, and clavicular breathing, but in the last 10 years I’ve changed my perspective of breath from this autonomic function that we have that keeps us alive to a more internalized, more spiritual aspect of our breath and how it supports our health. How it can create an environment for healing.

    It’s interesting to think about breath. Without it you’re dead. It is your life and it is your life source. In Chinese medicine and healing arts they refer to qi as your life source and it is related very closely to your breath. You can move your qi as you move your breath.

    I just explained to you how I understood and used breath in my practice and for healing. But it falls short!

    The Significance of Breath

    I don’t view my breath the same way I used to. I view it as my spirit so I can listen and hear. I can adjust what’s happening in my body as I work with my spirit. It’s become much more of an internal regulator and tool.

    Today, I’m going to give you some strategies and perspectives that might change the way you use your breath to change your healing environment.

    Breathwork is one of the most powerful ways to counteract stress. I have found that any type of stress response, be it positive or negative, can often be a catalyst for a flare. It’s the one thing that I still experience. Something will happen and it will catch me off guard and I will end up with a flare three days later.

    What I have learned now is to be able to turn on my parasympathetic nervous system. Your sympathetic is your fight or flight and your parasympathetic is the system that calms. Your sympathetic system and your parasympathetic system are opposite so you cannot be in fight or flight if you’ve activated your parasympathetic system.

    Activating the Parasympathetic Nervous System

    Guess what the number one way to activate the parasympathetic is? Just breathe.

    Because your body physiologically sends a message to your brain that says “everything’s ok”. All of the chemicals are dumping and creating all sorts of chaos inside, whether you have an outward stress response or not.

    I’m going to teach you some strategies. Any of these strategies will interrupt that fight or flight. It automatically sends a signal to your brain that says, “We’re good. You can shut off”. It’s the number one way to stop stress in its tracks.

    Breathwork for Health and Healing

    I think it’s important to point out that a lot of times when we’re trying some sort of healing modality, we’re thinking that we’re not doing it right. With breathwork, you’re not going to do it wrong. There’s no wrong way to breathe!

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  • Thriving with the Seasons
    Living WOW and Honoring the Seasons Today in the northern hemisphere it is the first day of summer and season change is something that is foundational in living WOW. Living WOW is a lifestyle of intention and choice and part of that is honoring the seasons. I was first introduced to season change back when I was doing Ama Bodywork and Chinese Medicine. She introduced me to a book called Staying Healthy with the Seasons by Elson M Haas MD. Each season change I pull out the book and flip to the chapter about the season that’s coming up. Even though, at this point, I have a seasonal rhythm and I’m in tune to the change that’s happening, I love to go back and look at what are the elements associated with this season? How does this season manifest in the organ function? I find it fascinating and I’m not yet a master of that so I still like to go back and review and learn more. The Importance of Recognizing and Respecting Season Change We have listeners all over the world and those in the southern hemisphere are going into winter so I’ll address all of the seasons as I introduce why honoring the seasons is foundational to Living WOW. First, I want to point out to you why it matters. In our culture of SAD, the Standard American Diet and Lifestyle, we have forgotten about season change. Depending on where you live, if you live in a more temperate climate, you may not have a true four seasons with your climate so it looks different. Regardless of the temperatures, and they certainly do affect our activity, in our SAD life…it doesn’t. We just turn on the air conditioner in the summer and turn on the furnace in the winter. We don’t recognize, we don’t acknowledge and respect the season changes the way our ancestors did. The way historically our bodies are created to do. I found this pattern early on in my transformation. This was key when I realized, every single fall between September and October I would get bronchitis and then it would linger on through the entire year. I would then have a deep bronchial cough that I couldn’t shake. I started to recognize that my body needs something different in the fall, in the winter, in the spring, and in the summer. Our rhythm is different. The foods we eat are different. The days are longer or shorter. Ignoring that and just working day in and day out and not even giving a nod to the fact that we’ve changed seasons is part of why I had the kind of breakdown I would have. I’m a spring birthday. I think there’s a real reason that I feel like I’m dying in the winter and then in the spring I feel like I’m waking up and coming alive. Summer is full throttle and I like to run at full throttle. Summer is my time and then I forget to put the brakes on in the fall and change my rhythm. So, I crash. My body would shut itself down historically because I didn’t catch the messages. I wasn’t listening to nature. I wasn’t following the cues. Now it’s become a critical part of thriving with autoimmune diseases. It’s relevant whether you have autoimmune diseases or not! My autoimmune diseases are what cracked the case for me and helped me to understand the importance of the seasons, but it’s relevant to everyone. I don’t care who you are, seasons matter. If you can learn to embrace them and celebrate them, instead of ignore or bemoan them it matters. Regardless of where you are, I hope that you come away from this episode today with A: an awareness, B: an appreciation, and C: maybe some action plans of ways that you can optimize this season change. It’s either the 20th, 21st, or 22nd and as I get closer to it, I look it up and start planning. I usually start about a week ahead of the season change in preparation and getting ready. Then the week of season change I usually will have some sort of cleanse. This season change I did a 24 hour fast, then a three-day juice cleanse, to get things lighter and ready for more fresh and lighter foods. Then I’ll go into my Supercharge, which I usually do the 1st to the 10th of the month, but at season change I scooch it back and do it around the season change. With Supercharge I cut out dairy, gluten, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. It’s just really clean light foods so that my body can get ready and be optimal thriving in the summer season. It’s not too much of a change from my normal routine, but it’s enough to give a nod to the fact that we go from warmer transition foods like casseroles and soups to lighter, fresher, cooler foods which for me tends to be lots of smoothies, salads with fresh fruits and vegetables being the majority of my diet. If you are in the southern hemisphere, you’re doing the opposite going into root vegetables, warmer foods, more meat, more dairy, more grains, because you’re warming your body. I tend to have a much more dramatic season change between summer and fall and winter and spring because we are going from lots of energy and huge growth to taking it in and ...
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