
  • NTM 482: The communication upgrade: Unlock deeper intimacy with powerful communication

    What are you not saying, that if you spoke the truth of, would elevate your relationship? When you consciously allow your protective strategies of anger, or avoidance to dissolve, what you’re left with is a really authentic connection and communication, where you stop relying on performance, and old, learnt habits.

    So let us help you get more fulfilled in your relationship, quickly!

    In this episode we discuss:

    - Resistance to getting support, and relying on hyper self-sufficiency as a trauma response
    - When you stop exposing your vulnerability because of old experiences of abandonment and criticism
    - Becoming a hoarder of tasks and mental load
    - Learning to love the eruptions and disconnections as opportunities for a more fulfilling relationship
    - Showing up in the face of fear of rejection and abandonment
    - Recognising your strategies when someone you love is angry with you
    - Defending what you think is ‘right’ is you being defensive of your highest values
    - We need to give to the bank of relationship to be able to withdraw from it
    - Knowing what you want is more important than knowing what you don’t want



    NTM Community Day

    To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit https://julietenner.love/

    To explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit https://www.bridgetwood.life/

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    28 分
  • NTM 481: Lost in the noise: life crowding out your relationship?

    Do you put your relationship, your partner or each other, below the dishes or the laundry? Have you ended up being ships in the night, co-habitating, but never really connecting? We all want to be chosen as partners, not someone’s vehicle of convenience. So let’s explore how to shift where you’re at!

    In this episode we discuss:

    - What do you need to be more interesting, or interested, than the dishes or the laundry?
    - The waves of attraction and repulsion are normal in long-term relationship
    - Your partner used to be the thing that you valued most
    - Why is relationship sex and your partner last on the list now?
    - Habits and patterns are learnt and can become armoury
    - Reducing your partner down to ‘oh, you just want sex’
    - Bringing your sexual connection back as sacred
    - Growth that feels confronting to contemplate



    NTM Community Day

    To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit https://julietenner.love/

    To explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit https://www.bridgetwood.life/

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    32 分
  • NTM 480: Forging friendships that fill you up

    Lost at sea, asking yourself “who am I…and who are my people?” But you don’t quite know where you fit in? Let’s let go of old cultural narratives of cattiness and competitiveness in female friendships and let’s move towards forging friendships that expand, soften and inspire you as a woman, mother and lover.

    In this episode we discuss:
    - Knowing your values and where your people hang out
    - Being brave and authentic
    - Self-sabotage on friendship-seeking journeys
    - The insidious ways performance leads to exhaustion
    - When you’re infatuated, you’re hiding parts of yourself
    - Infatuation will lead to resentment, and undermine the friendship
    - Feeling lonely and isolated because YOU have shifted, but your friendships haven’t
    - Manifesting and being an energetic match for the friendships you seek

    To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit https://julietenner.love/

    To explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit https://www.bridgetwood.life/

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    38 分
  • NTM 479: Repulsion in relationship is really normal

    We all grew up on a diet of fairytales, romcoms, and Hollywood romance - and if this is you, too, you might feel that your relationship is wrong for you. We want you to know that ALL relationships have seasons of repulsion. So let’s work with your forces of attraction and repulsion in your relationship.

    In this episode we discuss:
    - Why repulsion is normal and how it benefits you
    - Attraction comes from having your values met, or outsourcing parts you haven’t owned yet
    - Change your psychology to change how feel around your partner
    - Disconnection from them means connection to you
    - Move faster through seasons of repulsion by owning what’s yours
    - There’s nothing wrong with you or them; repulsion is a function of relationship
    - The more open you are to the wisdom of repulsion, the faster you move through it
    - You’re not seeing him for him, you’re seeing a comparison
    - Chemistry happens before the physical body responds
    - Chemistry is created in the mind

    To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit https://julietenner.love/

    To explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit https://www.bridgetwood.life/

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    26 分
  • NTM 478: The fastest, easiest way to change what you’ve been avoiding

    Don’t we all love a good avoidance strategy? Are you sick of your own BS yet?! Are you ready for change? Let’s stop sabotaging growth by tripping over the same challenges over and over again. Bring on the fast, effective change, now!

    In this episode we discuss:
    - When you’re on the cusp of great change, and how to set yourself up for it
    - Going beyond ‘I can’t show up’
    - Trying to have everything sorted before you begin
    - Your window of change means you’re often in survival mode
    - Your environment influences whether you rise to your skillset or fall to your conditioning
    - Leading yourself towards growth, rather than waiting for change
    - Surviving on micro-satisfactions
    - Crowding out your own expansion
    - Knowing how and why you are where you are

    To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit https://julietenner.love/

    To explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit https://www.bridgetwood.life/

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    27 分
  • NTM 477: Choosing faith or fear is exactly the same leap…with completely different outcomes

    Your desire to have what you don’t yet have, requires you to behave in ways you’ve not yet behaved. Either, you’re going to choose fear, and end up in fate, over and over again - or you’re going to choose fate, and open up to destiny. Which one will you choose?…

    In this episode we discuss:
    - Fear protecting us from wanting to make the change we seek
    - The physiological and psychological feedback is the same in choosing faith and fear
    - When you choose fear, you and your world shrink
    - When you choose faith, you and your world expand
    - Welcoming the eustress that’s required to make the change you say you want
    - When you’re having difficulty initiating the change you want
    - When you’re stuck in negative loops and justifying it
    - The fulility of wanting a different life, but staying in the life you’ve created
    - The illusion of control and certainty
    - Asking how else this might look

    To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit https://julietenner.love/

    To explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit https://www.bridgetwood.life/

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    30 分
  • NTM 476: Let’s get real about anger in motherhood

    Are you noticing challenging feelings coming up in your motherhood? Are you noticing little whispers in your conscious and gentle parenting mind that seem to shame your anger, aggression and frustration?

    So let’s move beyond the patriarchal programming of sugar and spice and all things nice, to embrace your wholeness as a woman and a mother.

    In this episode we discuss:

    - How we feel about expressions of anger and aggression in our children
    - When you hit your edges of self-worth in your anger and frustration
    - That habit of flicking off ownership and making it someone else’s fault
    - Our strong desire to get back into being ‘kind’
    - Pedestalling and infatuating with being calm and spacious
    - The invitation to see and love more of ourselves and others
    - Feedback that your values are changing
    - Anger is the war-cry against the mental and emotional-labour jail

    To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit https://julietenner.love/

    To explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit https://www.bridgetwood.life/

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    29 分
  • NTM 475: When self-love is protecting you from the change you say you want

    Do you find yourself in a persistent dynamic where you’re completely fed up with the pattern…but yet you’re still here?

    Do you find yourself asking “I want your help and advice! But I’ve already tried all the things” OR “It’s because they’re not/they can’t/they won’t…”

    Babes, what if you’re just not ready for change? Let us help you hold yourself here.

    In this episode we discuss:
    - When you find yourself in futility and at the edges of your own window of tolerance
    - You’re an energetic match for the reality you’re existing in
    - Energy organises itself around a belief system
    - Feeling vindicated in the problem being outside of you
    - Recognising the pieces of you that are averse to change
    - Allowing for change when you don’t also have a handbrake on
    - Your suffering is relative to the degree you’re in resistance or surrender
    - You’re not ready to have a conversation with ‘them’ if you’re not ready to have a conversation with yourself
    - Surrendering to being the student and letting the teacher teach you
    - How to love yourself when you’re choosing to stay where you are

    To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit https://julietenner.love/

    To explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit https://www.bridgetwood.life/

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    36 分