
  • Mastering New Skills: How Dopamine Drives Your Learning Journey

    Ep 80 Behaviors and skills either caught like a contagion or taught. Learning new skills and behaviors is an exciting journey, often driven by observing and imitating others. This process of skill acquisition is not only thrilling but also fueled by dopamine, which enhances feelings of pleasure and motivation. As you progress through the stages of learning—from unconscious incompetence to conscious competence—you’ll experience a range of emotions, including interest, excitement, and even fantasy about mastering new skills. Dopamine plays a crucial role in keeping you motivated, even when the learning process becomes challenging. Discover how to harness the power of dopamine to boost your learning, and transform your skill development journey into a rewarding experience. Whether you're looking to improve your professional abilities or pick up a new hobby, understanding these principles can lead to more effective and enjoyable learning. Walk well.

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    30 分
  • Desire, Free Will, and Survival: A Deep Dive into Human Motivation and Happiness

    Ep 79. Discover the profound insights from philosophical and psychological perspectives on desire, free will, and human behavior. The Buddha famously stated that desire is the root of all suffering, a concept explored through various lenses of thought. Arthur Schopenhauer believed that every interaction is a microcosm of the universal strivings that define our existence. Sigmund Freud, on the other hand, theorized that our subconscious, particularly our sexual desires, profoundly influences our decisions and actions.

    At a cellular level, the notion of free will and agency seems diminished, yet our daily choices are driven by a complex interplay of our innate desires and strategic thinking. This dynamic can make us appear opportunistic, reflecting our fundamental need to thrive and secure a quality life. Our drive to survive fosters a quest for a stable environment, enriching our lives with valuable relationships, experiences, and possessions.

    Explore how these diverse theories converge on the nature of human motivation, choice, and the pursuit of a fulfilling life. Join me as I delve into these compelling ideas and their implications for understanding ourselves and our interactions with the world and how they bolster our ability to gain skills in self regulation for our stressful world. Take care and Walk Well.

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    27 分
  • The Halo Effect and Recency Bias: Unmasking Emotional Dysregulation in Celebrity Worship

    Ep 78 In this insightful exploration, we delve into the Halo Effect, Recency Bias, and Hypnotic Effects and their profound impact on emotional dysregulation. Discover how our admiration for celebrities and heroes often leads us to elevate them beyond their true worth, distorting our perception and judgment.

    When we pedestalize individuals due to their fame or status, we create an illusion of perfection that clouds our judgment. This celebrity worship often results in a dangerous disconnect between our idealized image and the reality of their human flaws. Just like a stage magic act relies on distance to maintain its illusion, getting closer to these figures can shatter our delusions, revealing uncomfortable truths.

    Explore how these cognitive biases contribute to emotional dysregulation and learn practical strategies to see through the veneer of social interactions. Understand the psychological mechanisms at play and how proximity to our idols can lead to unexpected emotional challenges. Take care and walk well.

    Hey folks, let me know what you think about the Running Man Podcast. Let me know where you're from and how you are doing in your little part of the world!

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  • The Energy Drain: Unpacking Attentional Fatigue in Our Daily Lives

    n today’s episode, we explore the intriguing concept of attentional costs and their impact on our energy levels. Have you ever felt drained after engaging in a new experience or facing a frightening event? This phenomenon, known as attentional fatigue, occurs when our brain’s focus is stretched thin, especially in environments that constantly change and induce unpredictability.

    Much like diet fatigue, attentional fatigue can leave us physically exhausted. When our surroundings shift frequently, anxiety often follows. Our five senses—sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell—serve as critical indicators, providing us with evidence of potential environmental threats. When we’re always on alert, our attention demands significant mental energy, making it vital to recognize and manage this fatigue for our overall well-being.

    Join us as we delve into the effects of constant attention on our mental and physical health. Discover strategies to mitigate attentional fatigue, enhance mindfulness, and learn how to navigate a fast-paced, fluctuating world. Remember, awareness is key—take care of your attention and walk well.

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  • Easy Visualization Methods; Boost Your Sports Performance and Health Recovery

    Episode 76. Unlock the Power of Visualization for Peak Performance and Recovery: Techniques Anyone Can Use

    Visualization techniques are widely recognized at the elite athletic level, benefiting individual sports like golf and swimming as well as team sports such as rugby, American football, basketball, and hockey. The core concept here is that mental conditioning—often referred to as "mind over matter"—continues to gain momentum in both sports and health recovery. Scientific research is increasingly focusing on how the mind influences physical health and recovery in therapy settings as much as it impacts sports performance.

    In this discussion, we explore various types of visualization and techniques that are not just for elite athletes but can be easily applied by anyone. Discover how you can leverage the power of visualization to enhance your performance and boost your well-being, regardless of your athletic level. Embrace the potential of your mind and walk towards better health and success.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The role of visualization in sports and health.
    • Practical techniques for effective mental conditioning.
    • How anyone can harness the benefits of visualization.

    Walk well and unlock your inner potential with proven visualization strategies!

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    29 分
  • Harnessing Positive Thinking: Transforming Stress into Opportunity

    Ep 75 In modern times, navigating life from physical survival to fiscal stability brings inevitable stress and difficulty. Overcoming challenges not only builds resilience but also triggers growth in the Anterior Mid Cingulate Cortex. Conversely, frequent fear responses can amplify the Amygdala’s influence.

    Harnessing positive thoughts and imagery cultivates beliefs that empower action and can induce biological changes within a generation. Our thoughts dictate whether we embrace the unknown, taking a leap of spirit and faith, or retreat into familiarity.

    Think deeply about your path and stride confidently forward. Walk Well.

    Hey folks, let me know what you think about the Running Man Podcast. Let me know where you're from and how you are doing in your little part of the world!

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    25 分
  • The Power of Mentorship and How Kindness Shapes Our Growth. Paying Kindness Forward: A Journey of Learning and Gratitude

    Ep 74 On my journey through life, I've been fortunate to learn from incredible mentors who profoundly shaped my perspective and growth. Their guidance fostered my curiosity, allowing me to ask questions—even the difficult ones—that ignited my passion for learning. Through brainstorming sessions and adventurous explorations, these experiences have influenced how I approach learning as an adult.

    To my mentors, I express my heartfelt gratitude for embodying the principles of kindness and generosity. Your examples of paying kindness forward have not only enriched my life but also inspired a ripple effect of positive growth and hope in others. Thank you for your invaluable lessons.

    Embrace kindness, nurture your curiosity, and remember to walk well on your journey.

    Hey folks, let me know what you think about the Running Man Podcast. Let me know where you're from and how you are doing in your little part of the world!

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    23 分
  • Language and Communication. Unlocking the Power of Metaphor

    Ep 73. Communication takes various forms to transmit information, but often our interpretations can be inaccurate. Language serves as an imperfect medium to convey the messages and thoughts of our minds to others. Aristotle once described spoken language as "sound with meaning," emphasizing its role as a conduit of thought. Metaphor, a product of language, persuades through its hyperbolic nature and symbolic power, fostering profound changes in both body and mind. There is much to ponder here. Reflect deeply and tread wisely. Walk well.

    Give ten minutes save a life:

    My assumption of safety:

    Hey folks, let me know what you think about the Running Man Podcast. Let me know where you're from and how you are doing in your little part of the world!

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