
  • Selling with Stories

    The REAL Trick to Selling with Stories

    Selling with Stories!!! Everyone talks about it. . . but how does it REALLY work?

    So many smart business owners have GREAT stories to share but don't know whereto start with TELLING them . . .

    Some have traveled to far off lands

    Others have Ivy League degrees

    They say "Renee, how do these personal or professional development experiences have ANYTHING to do with what I DO for a living??"

    They ask "Renee, Does anyone really CARE about THOSE stories??"


    Yes, they do care.

    I have had clients get hired because they were a single mother AND a business coach . . . their client reporting they chose THEM because they shared a similar life story, that she would "GET" where she was coming from . . . has this ever happened to you?

    Take a minute and tell me, WHAT IMPACTED YOUR LAST buying decision?

    Did you or someone you know buy a certain car because you love their mission to protect and preserve the environment as well as advanced technology?

    Did you shop at a certain store (or NOT shop there) because you felt connected and aligned with their STORY?

    This doesn’t end with JUST mission statements . . . these stories can (and should) be woven into the very fabric of all of our content (IF you want it to help you SELL).

    Listen in and hear the FRAMEWORK I walk my clients through.

    Don't miss out on my free training while it's still free www.reneehribar.co/training WHEN you grab it you will continue to get fresh new sales advice every week to your inbox as well as an invitation to an amazing community to connect with other entrepreneurs around the world!!!


    Renee Hribar has been a sales professional since 1994 in New York. She has sold millions of dollars in products and services and trained thousands to sell for the first time. She is known in her industry as a fun, energetic executive sales coach who leads with heart. A TEDx speaker who offers training sessions at global conferences, boardrooms and most recently through virtual programs, she skillfully breaks down her decades of sales expertise with a flair that makes listening to her joy and if you take action, extremely profitable. With her one-of-a-kind "laugh & learn" teaching style, you will certainly walk away with a new view on the "softer side of sales".

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • Next Sales Steps Simplified

    ​​Know What to Sell Next ...

    Coaches, consultants, done-for-you service providers I AM TALKING TO YOU.

    This is for women who have skills that they want to package up and offer their strategy, consulting, coaching, done together (like live group programming) or done for you (like for website builders, copywriters, freelancers, virtual assistants) but they have never been responsible to sell for themselves I have news for you:

    Paying clients are everywhere!!

    BUT . . . how do you KNOW what to Sell NEXT???

    I go through the news channels and Reddit in my industry —

    I looked at book reviews of books written in and around my industry and look at trends in opinions ...

    then I ask the people closest to me

    1. What is my group saying (why I love having a group)

    2. Ask your email list

    3. Ask your close network of people

    I ask like this:

    I am trying to decide on what my next training should be on... I was thinking ____ or _____.... which one would you like to hear about next?

    Get FREE Sales Training (while it's still FREE) www.ReneeHribar.co/training


    Renee Hribar has been a sales professional since 1994 in New York. She has sold millions of dollars in products and services and trained thousands to sell for the first time. She is known in her industry as a fun, energetic executive sales coach who leads with heart. A TEDx speaker who offers training sessions at global conferences, boardrooms and most recently through virtual programs, she skillfully breaks down her decades of sales expertise with a flair that makes listening to her joy and if you take action, extremely profitable. With her one-of-a-kind "laugh & learn" teaching style, you will certainly walk away with a new view on the "softer side of sales".

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • Warning: Profit & Perfectionism Clash!

    Profit and Perfectionism Don’t Mix!

    Have you ever heard anyone say:

    “I would, but I don’t want to mess it up”


    “I’m not sure it’s ready”


    “I need to work on it a little more and THEN I will....”

    This has been coming up so much this week I had to address it here today on The “S” Word LIVE Show!!

    Here is what I want you to write down:


    As women business owners come to me for sales strategy and coaching what I see most often is hey have something AMAZING but they aren’t sharing it... Not with anyone.... because .... of one of those three responses above ...

    If you had the cure to a serious condition and didn’t tell them.... wouldn’t you feel bad?

    They need you to share!


    That’s what selling for ourselves means to me: SHARING.

    • Sharing ideas
    • Sharing opinions
    • Sharing insights

    Please share today

    * (even if you think it’s not perfect yet)

    Get more free training and support by clicking here NOW: https://reneehribar.com/links/


    Renee Hribar has been a sales professional since 1994 in New York. She has sold millions of dollars in products and services and trained thousands to sell for the first time. She is known in her industry as a fun, energetic executive sales coach who leads with heart. A TEDx speaker who offers training sessions at global conferences, boardrooms and most recently through virtual programs, she skillfully breaks down her decades of sales expertise with a flair that makes listening to her joy and if you take action, extremely profitable. With her one-of-a-kind "laugh & learn" teaching style, you will certainly walk away with a new view on the "softer side of sales".

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • Create Your Systems

    How to “Henry Ford” Your Sales Process

    If you are spending more than 30% of your working hours trying to figure out what to post, how to connect with potential clients, connectors or collaborators and creating proposals FAST, you need to consider this.

    Henry Ford was the epitome of innovation. He did not invent the engine or the car or even the assembly line... what he DID do was improve on the process. We know him from his Model T car that made car ownership accessible to the masses.

    Did you know there was a Model A, B, C. . . all the way up to "T"?

    That shows he had the willingness to get things wrong. He had the willingness to keep trying and improving.

    Henry Ford was an innovator. That is what I am encouraging you to be for your own sales process for your business.

    In other words:

    1. Use what you have in front of you (like the content of the businesses you want to connect with)

    2. Re-use what you have already used (like the interview you did last Winter about productivity)

    3. Create templates for everything! If you have made it ONCE (an email, a proposal, an invoice, a contract) CREATE a template out of it so that the NEXT time you want to create an email, proposal, invoice or contract, you are not starting from scratch.

    I live by this motto "I reserve the right to always make this better" this gives me permission to START without it being "PERFECT".

    By knowing that I will always be seeking to INNOVATE and improve the PROCESS I have MORE time to focus on the PERSON in front of me. Whether it's developing a genuine business relationship or delivering a promised service or product.

    SYSTEMS cut down TASK time and OPEN MORE TIME for authentic connection and time to be creative!

    If all of this brought up more questions than answers, we should hang out more!

    Grab my free Sales training and START TODAY at http://www.reneehribar.co/training


    Renee Hribar has been a sales professional since 1994 in New York. She has sold millions of dollars in products and services and trained thousands to sell for the first time. She is known in her industry as a fun, energetic executive sales coach who leads with heart. A TEDx speaker who offers training sessions at global conferences, boardrooms and most recently through virtual programs, she skillfully breaks down her decades of sales expertise with a flair that makes listening to her joy and if you take action, extremely profitable. With her one-of-a-kind "laugh & learn" teaching style, you

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • Sales Calls Simplified

    Have you ever gotten off a sales call and thought;

    "That was a royal waste of time"


    "That was horrible"


    "I need to find people who can AFFORD me"

    If you have . . . this is for you!

    Take the next step TODAY and grab my free sales training



    Renee Hribar has sold millions of dollars in products and services and trained thousands to sell for the first time. A TEDx speaker who offers training sessions at global conferences, boardrooms and most recently through virtual programs, she skillfully breaks down her decades of sales expertise with a flair that makes listening to her joy and if you take action, extremely profitable. She is known in her industry as a fun, energetic executive sales coach who leads with heart. With her one-of-a-kind "laugh & learn" teaching style, you will certainly walk away with a new view on the "softer side of sales".

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • Breaking Through Blinders

    The Problem with “Blinders” ... it reminds me of a story I would share with my sales teams.

    Have you ever said “I’m just going to put blinders on and work through this”?

    My grandmother used to say “keep your nose in the books” and to me that translated to “just focus on what YOU’RE doing” (a.k.a don’t get distracted)!!

    The goal is to get “it” done but...

    You also need to know when it’s time to stop.

    • If you don’t have a sales goal — you don’t know when it’s time to stop.
    • If you don’t have anyone looking out for you (watching out for your blind spots) — you don’t know when it’s time to stop.
    • If you don’t have something to look forward to ONCE you are “done” - you don’t know when it’s time to stop.

    I have been an entrepreneur — running my own profitable companies— since 1996.

    I have sold millions of dollars in “invisible” services for BIG companies and private startups alike. I have taught thousands of freelancers (web designers, virtual assistants, ads managers) to sell for themselves with confidence and kindness.

    One pattern repeats itself over and over - you’ve got to know “when” enough is enough.

    Write down a sales goal.

    Hire someone you trust to cover your blind spots.

    Have an “Next Steps” plan.

    If you need help, start here: www.reneehribar.com/links

    You don’t have to do this alone.


    Renee Hribar has been a sales professional since 1994 in New York. She has sold millions of dollars in products and services and trained thousands to sell for the first time. She is known in her industry as a fun, energetic executive sales coach who leads with heart. A TEDx speaker who offers training sessions at global conferences, boardrooms and most recently through virtual programs, she skillfully breaks down her decades of sales expertise with a flair that makes listening to her joy and if you take action, extremely profitable. With her one-of-a-kind "laugh & learn" teaching style, you will certainly walk away with a new view on the "softer side of sales".

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • Turning Visibility into Profit

    Getting Visible VS. Converting Visibility into Paying Clients

    Let's continue the conversation → www.reneehribar.co/training

    The age-old debate!!

    When we first start out (or are pivoting) it's easy to feel like the BEST KEPT SECRET.

    Often times this is the reason we accept as the TRUTH that we are not getting the clients our business needs to thrive.

    To avoid spending 100% of your time on sales activities focus on ONE piece of content each week.

    My BEST advice:

    One Piece of ANCHOR CONTENT each week.

    a. Podcast

    b. Blog

    c. LIVE Video

    d. Something else

    Have you been getting people on the phone but not converting them into paying clients?

    Have they said things like:

    a. That's expensive

    b. I'm talking to a few other people

    c. Send me some information

    It's possible the way you are explaining the VALUE is the core of the issue.

    Overall, it's about creating a RHYTHM to giving value and inviting.

    Everyone is at a different point in their buying cycle and more than anything CONSISTENCY is KEY. This creates NATURAL opportunities for follow up.

    Let's continue the conversation → www.reneehribar.co/training


    Renee Hribar has been a sales professional since 1994 in New York. She has sold millions of dollars in products and services and trained thousands to sell for the first time. She is known in her industry as a fun, energetic executive sales coach who leads with heart. A TEDx speaker who offers training sessions at global conferences, boardrooms and most recently through virtual programs, she skillfully breaks down her decades of sales expertise with a flair that makes listening to her joy and if you take action, extremely profitable. With her one-of-a-kind "laugh & learn" teaching style, you will certainly walk away with a new view on the "softer side of sales".

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • Eliminate Tire Kickers

    Double Your Sales AND Nearly Eliminate Time Talking with Tire Kickers by Using This Field-Tested Strategy Today

    Grab my free sales training (while it’s still free) by heading to https://www.reneehribar.co/training

    When you run your own business the BUCK stops with YOU.

    Mastering the ART of Selling with kindness, clarity and confidence is a NON-Negotiable SKILL.

    It can be learned but.... OH BOY... a LOT of people do it WRONG.

    It’s not their fault.

    The common misperception is that to be GOOD at Sales you need to be HARD or OVERBEARING .... my answer to THAT —- I Call BS!!

    I have NEVER met a female business woman who decided to hang up her own shingle and set out on her own mission to make an impact on the world for the better who wanted to become a HARDCORE CLOSER.


    That doesn’t work anyway!

    I have taken the bullets, been burned, and had my hand slapped enough through my years with tens of thousands of hours in the field talking to potential clients to be able to bring you the TRUTH from EXPERIENCE.

    SELL WITH GRACE, CLARITY and KINDNESS so that you never fall out of alignment with your moral compass AND you get RESULTS.

    Grab my free sales training (while it’s still free) by heading to https://www.reneehribar.co/training


    Renee Hribar has been a sales professional since 1994 in New York. She has sold millions of dollars in products and services and trained thousands to sell for the first time. She is known in her industry as a fun, energetic executive sales coach who leads with heart. A TEDx speaker who offers training sessions at global conferences, boardrooms and most recently through virtual programs, she skillfully breaks down her decades of sales expertise with a flair that makes listening to her joy and if you take action, extremely profitable. With her one-of-a-kind "laugh & learn" teaching style, you will certainly walk away with a new view on the "softer side of sales".

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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