Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Solving Mysteries in the Heart of the Slovak Mountains Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-02-20-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Vo vysokých Tatrách, medzi zasneženými kopcami a mohutnými borovicami, stojí malá horská chata.En: In the high Tatra Mountains, among snowy hills and mighty pine trees, stands a small mountain cabin.Sk: Bola to ideálna skrýša pre tých, ktorí chceli uniknúť do ticha doliny.En: It was the ideal hideaway for those who wanted to escape into the silence of the valley.Sk: Ale teraz, uprostred veľkej snehovej búrky, chata praskala vo švíkoch pod záťažou hostí.En: But now, in the midst of a great snowstorm, the cabin was bursting at the seams under the weight of guests.Sk: Marek bol medzi nimi.En: Marek was among them.Sk: Vzrušený historik, ktorý prišiel do Slovenska, aby sa dozvedel viac o slovenskom folklóre.En: An enthusiastic historian who had come to Slovakia to learn more about Slovak folklore.Sk: Eva, majiteľka chaty, bola známa svojou pohostinnosťou.En: Eva, the owner of the cabin, was known for her hospitality.Sk: Zuzana, tajomná hosť, bola fascinovaná slovenskými legendami.En: Zuzana, a mysterious guest, was fascinated by Slovak legends.Sk: „Bol tu vzácny artefakt,“ povedala Eva, jej oči plné starostí.En: "There was a valuable artifact," said Eva, her eyes full of concern.Sk: „Ale je preč.En: "But it is gone."Sk: “ Búrka zablokovala cestu, nie je odkiaľ poslať pomoc.En: The storm had blocked the road, there was nowhere to send for help.Sk: Marek, so svojim záujmom o históriu, sa okamžite rozhodol pomôcť.En: Marek, with his interest in history, immediately decided to help.Sk: „Musíme zistiť, kde je,“ povedal Marek.En: "We need to find out where it is," Marek said.Sk: „Možno niekto z hostí vie niečo viac.En: "Maybe some of the guests know something more."Sk: “Začal s rozhovormi.En: He started with conversations.Sk: Najprv oslovil Zuzanu.En: First, he approached Zuzana.Sk: „Ty vieš všetko o legendách,“ povedal Marek.En: "You know everything about legends," Marek said.Sk: „Máš nejaké tušenie?En: "Do you have any idea?"Sk: “Zuzana pokrčila ramenami.En: Zuzana shrugged.Sk: „Ja len počúvam príbehy,“ odvetila.En: "I just listen to stories," she replied.Sk: V jej očiach však Marek videl niečo, čo ho prinútilo byť obozretný.En: However, in her eyes, Marek saw something that made him cautious.Sk: Potom prehľadal chatu.En: Then he searched the cabin.Sk: Prešiel malou kuchyňou, kde Eva pripravovala horúcu polievku.En: He went through the small kitchen where Eva was preparing hot soup.Sk: Cítil vôňu kapustového vývaru a chlieb, ktorý sa piekol v peci.En: He smelled the aroma of cabbage broth and bread baking in the oven.Sk: Napätie viselo vo vzduchu.En: Tension hung in the air.Sk: Každý mal strach.En: Everyone was afraid.Sk: Nakoniec Marek narazil na niečo zvláštne.En: Finally, Marek stumbled upon something strange.Sk: V jednej z izieb našiel skrytý prechod, za ktorým boli staré steny drevenej konštrukcie chaty.En: In one of the rooms, he found a hidden passage, behind which were the old walls of the cabin's wooden structure.Sk: Vo vnútri našiel artefakt.En: Inside, he found the artifact.Sk: Bol uložený s veľkou starostlivosťou, ako keby niekto nechcel, aby ho našli.En: It was stored with great care, as if someone didn't want it to be found.Sk: Marek artefakt vrátil Eve.En: Marek returned the artifact to Eva.Sk: „To je on.En: "This is it.Sk: Našli sme ho.En: We found it."Sk: “Eva vydýchla úľavou.En: Eva sighed in relief.Sk: „Ďakujem, Marek,“ povedala.En: "Thank you, Marek," she said.Sk: „Toto miesto má svoje tajomstvá, ale vďaka tebe sme našli jedno z nich.En: "This place has its secrets, but thanks to you, we've found one of them."Sk: “Zuzana sa priblížila a usmiala sa na Mareka.En: Zuzana approached and smiled at Marek.Sk: „Vy ste skvelý detektív.En: "You are a great detective."Sk: “Marek sa zasmial.En: Marek laughed.Sk: „Už teraz viem, že história je plná záhad a prekvapení.En: "I already know that history is full of mysteries and surprises."Sk: “S artefaktom v bezpečí a hostiami znova pokojnými, sa Marek a Eva zblížili.En: With the artifact safe and the guests calm again, Marek and Eva grew closer.Sk: Marek si uvedomil, že táto skúsenosť mu priniesla viac ako len znalosť histórie.En: Marek realized that this experience brought him more than just knowledge of history.Sk: Získal pocit domova a nových priateľov v srdci slovenských hôr.En: He gained a sense of home and new friends in the heart of the Slovak mountains. Vocabulary Words:mighty: mohutnýhideaway: skrýšastorm: búrkaartifact: artefaktconcern: starosťcautious: obozretnýtension: napätieapproached: priblížil samysterious: tajomnýfascinated: ...