
  • 13. Why Calories Don’t Matter as Much as You Think

    Today, we’re diving into a topic that might just change how you think about food: calories!

    We’ve been trained to believe that the number of calories is the most important thing when choosing what to eat. But that’s not really the case!

    In this episode, I’m breaking down why calories don’t matter nearly as much as we’ve been told. We’ll talk about how the quality of your food is far more important than the numbers on a label, why calorie counts are often inaccurate, and how your body processes different foods in unique ways. Plus, I’ll share why your metabolism—and how many calories you burn—changes every day.

    If you’re ready to stop stressing over numbers and start eating more mindfully, this one’s for you!

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  • 12. Why Diets Don't Work Long-Term (Plus a Healthier Approach That Works)

    In this episode, I’m diving into why restrictive diets and quick-fix weight loss methods like keto, intermittent fasting, or even "innocent" tracking plans like Weight Watchers aren’t the answer for sustainable weight loss. Trust me, I understand the temptation to jump into something that promises fast results. I’ve been there too! But it’s important to remember that the way you lose weight is the way you’ll have to maintain it—and that’s where most diets fall short.

    Diets that require counting, restricting, or limiting hours of eating often don’t teach us to trust our bodies. Instead, they teach us to rely on external rules and trackers. If you're thinking about trying a new diet, ask yourself if it's something you want to maintain for the rest of your life. For most of us, the answer is no. Lasting weight loss comes from learning to listen to your body, enjoying foods that nourish you, and moving in ways that feel good—not from endless tracking or burning calories just to "earn" a treat.

    There is another way to lose weight other than tracking or dieting, and it’s so much more enjoyable! You can reach and maintain your goals without being consumed by thoughts of food, calories, or body weight. And I want that for you so badly. If you're feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start, I’m here to help. Let’s chat and find a more balanced and enjoyable path for you. You can reach out to me on Instagram at @lianicolenutrition or visit my website at lianicole.com. I’m here for you, and I’d love to support you on your journey!

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  • 11. Simple Self-Guided Meditation

    In this episode, I’m doing something a little different—I’m guiding you through a super short, two-minute seated meditation. If you find it challenging to stay focused during meditation, just like I do, this might be a great starting point for you. I’ve always struggled to keep my mind from wandering when meditating, so a few years ago, I started recording my own guided meditations. This simple practice helps me stay present and centered, and I want to share it with you today.

    This quick meditation is designed to calm your breath, quiet your mind, and bring you back to the present moment. You only need a minute or two to reset, let go of worries, and feel a sense of peace. If you’re ready, find a comfortable seat, close your eyes, and let’s drop in together. If not, save this episode to come back to when you can be fully present.

    I hope this short meditation encourages you to try creating your own. It’s easier than you think! Just open your phone’s voice memo app and record a few minutes of simple guided meditation or visualization to help yourself return to a place of calm and clarity whenever you need it. Remember, meditation doesn’t have to be long or complicated—sometimes, all it takes is a few mindful breaths. Enjoy, and take this sense of peace with you throughout your day!

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  • 10. Habit Stacking: How to Make Habits Stick

    In this episode, I'm sharing a simple yet effective strategy for building new habits: habit stacking. This is a game-changer if you're struggling to add something new to your daily routine—whether it’s taking your vitamins, practicing mindfulness, or anything else. The idea is to take a habit you already do automatically, like making your morning coffee, and stack a new habit right on top of it. For example, if I want to remember to take my vitamins every day, I keep them next to my coffee machine, making it almost impossible to forget!

    Give habit stacking a try with whatever new habits you're hoping to build! By pairing them with existing routines, you'll find it’s much simpler to make those positive changes stick. I hope you find this episode helpful and that it inspires you to start habit stacking your way to a healthier, happier routine. See you next week!

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  • 9. A Case For Ice Cream

    In this episode I’m sharing why I’m all about choosing the real, full-fat ice cream over the low-fat, low-sugar versions. For a long time, I stuck to the “diet” ice creams, fearing I’d binge if I allowed myself the real deal. But when I finally tried full-fat ice cream, something surprising happened—I didn’t feel the urge to binge. It was a completely different experience!

    This shift is backed by science. I’ll discuss the fascinating “Mind Over Milkshake” study, which found that people who believed they were drinking an indulgent milkshake felt more satisfied and less hungry than those who thought they were having a low-calorie shake—even though both groups drank the same shake. Our mindset can truly influence our body's hunger cues!

    So, if you’re stuck choosing “healthier” versions of your favorite treats out of fear or guilt, I’m encouraging you to try the real thing. Savor it, let go of the guilt, and see how it changes your relationship with food. It might just help you feel more relaxed, satisfied, and in control.

    Join me in this episode to learn how embracing the real deal can lead to a more balanced and joyful approach to eating. Enjoy, and let me know how it goes!

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  • 8. The ABCs of Food Freedom: Consistency Not Perfection (Part 4)

    In this final episode of a four-part series, we're wrapping up our conversation around the ABCs of food freedom and finishing with the critical component of consistency. Building on the concepts of awareness and beliefs discussed in previous episodes, we'll explore how consistency plays a pivotal role in achieving lasting change and fostering a healthier relationship with food.

    Specifically, we'll discuss the importance of identifying with the person you want to become. By adopting the mindset of your ideal self, such as calling yourself a runner if you aim to start running, you create a foundation for consistent action. This episode dives into the psychological power of self-identification and how it can help you stay committed to new habits.

    You'll walk away with practical tips for maintaining consistency, such as joining a community or group that aligns with your goals. This not only offers accountability but also surrounds you with like-minded individuals who can motivate and inspire you.

    Remember: consistency doesn't mean perfection. It's about showing up and making steady progress over time, even if it's not daily.

    This episode is a culmination of a series teaching you how to integrate the ABCs — Awareness, Beliefs, and Consistency — into your life to achieve food freedom and lasting change. Tune in to learn how to sustain your new habits and continue on your journey towards a healthier, more mindful way of living.

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  • 7. The ABCs of Food Freedom: Beliefs + Mindset (Part 3)

    In this third episode of a four-part series, we'll explore the transformative power of your beliefs and mindset in transforming your relationship with food. Building on the ABCs of food freedom, I'll dive further into the "B" - beliefs - highlighting how the stories we tell ourselves can either hold us back or propel us forward in our wellness journey.

    There is a common tendency to cling to limiting beliefs and narratives, particularly in the context of weight loss and personal transformation. These stories often serve as excuses that prevent us from making meaningful changes. It's so important that we shift our mindset to align with our ideal selves, and start thinking and acting in ways that reflect our desired outcomes.

    To help you reframe your beliefs, I introduce powerful tools like daily affirmations and visualization exercises and explain how these practices can help reinforce positive self-talk and create a clear vision of who we want to become. I'll also provide practical advice on crafting your own affirmations, using vision boards, and vividly imagining the feelings associated with achieving your goals.

    In this episode, you'll feel encouraged to start thinking and acting in alignment with your highest potential. By changing the way we think about ourselves and our abilities, we can break free from limiting beliefs and take actionable steps towards a healthier, more mindful relationship with food.

    Tune in to discover how to harness the power of your beliefs for lasting change, and get ready for the final episode in the series, where we'll discuss the importance of consistency in changing your relationship with food and achieving your health and wellness goals.

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  • 6. The ABCs of Food Freedom: Awareness (Part 2)

    In this second episode of a four-part series, I'll be talking about the importance of awareness in achieving lasting food freedom and making sustainable changes to your eating habits. Building on the introduction to the ABCs of food freedom from the previous episode, I'll explain how awareness is the first crucial step towards a healthier relationship with food.

    Contrary to what you might expect, I do actually believe tracking your food can be a valuable tool—especially at the beginning of a new lifestyle change. However, my approach differs from traditional methods of food tracking. Instead of focusing on calories, macros, or points, I recommend tracking your food along with the time you eat, your hunger levels, mood, and energy before and after meals. This more mindful way of tracking helps you understand how different foods and eating patterns affect your body (and mind!), and provides insights into your body's unique needs.

    By becoming aware of these factors, you can make informed decisions about your diet, such as adjusting portion sizes, meal timing, or even incorporating more variety and enjoyment into your meals. This episode emphasizes that awareness is not about restriction but about understanding and responding to your body's signals. Tune in to learn how to cultivate awareness and set the stage for exploring the next steps in the ABCs of food freedom: beliefs and consistency.

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