
  • All The Ways We Get In Our Own Way with Thais Gibson | 235

    Friend, I’m going to ask you to consider how much airtime you’re giving the bad guys in your own mind – the critic, the judge, the naysayer, the doubter, the perfectionist, the impostor, worrier, cynic, and the procrastinator – all the voices in your head that don’t actually belong to you.

    They’re wreaking havoc on all of our lives, and I want all of us to have the tools to overcome them.

    So I invited Thais Gibson, counselor, best selling author of Learning Love, and co-founder of The Personal School, to join us today. She has a Ph.D., over 13 certifications in a variety of different modalities, and ran a successful private practice before building The Personal Development School, an online learning platform, to provide a more accessible, authentic way for clients to transform their lives. A leading expert in attachment theory, her cutting-edge research is extending the frontier of psychology. She’s on a mission to empower individuals to overcome their insecure attachment styles and reprogram any limiting thoughts and behaviors, creating long-lasting and enlightening changes.

    Think for just a minute, what would be possible for you in your life, for us as women, if we created, did the work, allowed ourselves to give more airtime to our inner knowing, our confidence, our opportunity, our gifts? What if the voices that were the loudest in your mind were the ones telling you you can, you got this, that you matter.

    Connect with Thais:

    Personal Development School Website: https://university.personaldevelopmentschool.com/ - (Use code TIWW to get your discount!)

    FREE Attachment Style Quiz: https://attachmenttheory.com/quiz

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/thepersonaldevelopmentschool/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHQ4lSaKRap5HyrpitrTOhQ/videos

    Book: Learning Love available on Amazon

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  • Healing Mental And Emotional Wounds with Stephanie Kwong | 234

    Is it really possible to change the subconscious mind? I think the answer is yes, but it seems much easier with the small things and much harder with the big things that have really hurt us. Said another way, changing something is one thing – HEALING it is another.

    So today, we’re going to talk about how to do just that.

    Stephanie Kwong is our guest, an old friend of mine, and a transformative force as Co-Founder of the Rapid Rewire Method. Stephanie is passionate about the groundbreaking Rapid Rewire Method tools, capable of swiftly dissolving emotional turmoil, limiting beliefs, disserving identities, and even trauma. Her mission is clear: to empower others with learning these tools to cultivate joy, inner peace, fulfillment, and true liberation – and she believes it doesn’t need to be so hard or take so long. Through her proven approach, clients achieve personal, professional, and financial success, demonstrating that the shift from limitation to power is not only possible but can be fast, painless, and sustainable.

    The only way to heal your wounds is to decide to. I know it’s not that simple, but that’s the place to start…then find and accept support.

    Connect with Stephanie:

    Website: https://rapidrewiremethod.com/

    Rapid Rewire Method free demo:https://rapidrewiremethod.biz/freebie

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/iamstephaniekwong/


    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rapid-rewire-method/

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    Head to zenimals.com/NICOLEMKALIL and use my code NICOLEMKALIL to save 10% off your Zenimal! Whether you’re looking for yourself, your kid(s)/teens, as a gift for someone else - everyone will benefit from more moments of zen (and they offer discounts on bundles)!

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  • The 15-Minute Method To Getting It Done with Sam Bennett | 233

    Easing the mental load, minimizing the to-do list, letting go of the things that don’t really matter is a constant work in progress for me – but when I’m in the throes of it all, I often think “there’s got to be a better way”.

    I’ve invited Sam Bennett, creativity/productivity specialist to join us to share her 15 minute method with all of us. Sam is the author of the bestselling book Get It Done as well as Start Right Where You Are: How Little Changes Can Make a Big Difference for Overwhelmed Procrastinators, Frustrated Overachievers, and Recovering Perfectionists. Her latest book just released in June and is called The 15-Minute Method: The Surprisingly Simple Art of Getting It Done. Having spent most of her life working as a professional actor and improvisor, Sam brings a quick wit to her writing and her work as a top instructor on LinkedIn Learning with over a million “learners” worldwide.

    It will all get narrowed down to those very few things that matter most at the end, so what are we waiting for? Someone else to decide what truly matters for us? A point in time where things all of a sudden get easy and simple?

    No, we get to decide. And like so many things worth doing, we start small, one step at a time, 15 minutes devoted to what matters most to you.

    Connect with Sam:

    Website: www.TheRealSamBennett.com

    Book: The 15 Minute Method: The Surprisingly Simple Art Of Getting It Done

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/TheRealSamBennett

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/therealsambennett

    X: https://twitter.com/realsambennett

    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/therealsambennett

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SamanthaBennettCreative

    Like what you heard? Please rate and review

    Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

    Interested in promoting your product, service, online course or book on the This Is Woman’s Work podcast? We love nothing more than supporting women-owned businesses! Email podcast@nicolekalil.com to learn more.

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  • 5 Steps To Forging Your Own Path with Katie Horwitch | 232

    One of my favorite quotes that sits on my desk says “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    So how do we do that?

    Here today to teach us how to forge our own path is Katie Horwitch. Katie has spent almost two decades studying the conversations we have about ourselves, and the implications of them out in the world. She speaks about self-confidence and shifting the stories that help shape our negative self-talk patterns, is the host of the WANTcast: where the word WANT stands for Women Against Negative Talk, a mindset coach, and author of Want Your Self: Shift Your Self- Talk and Unearth The Strength In Who You Were All Along. Katie is a living example of all that we can do when we decide to forge our own path.

    At the end of the day, you’re the only one who gets to walk and choose YOUR path. And comparing your journey to someone else’s makes no sense, because they’re not on your path and you’re not on theirs.

    So I’ll leave you with another quote I love - “Run your own race at your own pace”.

    Connect with Katie:

    Website: https://www.katiehorwitch.com/

    Book: https://www.katiehorwitch.com/

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/katiehorwitch

    FB: https://facebook.com/katiehorwitch

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    Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

    Breathe better with AirDoctor, the air purifier that filters out 99.99% of dangerous contaminants (allergens, pollen, pet dander, dust mites, mold spores and even bacteria and viruses) so your lungs don’t have to. Visit airdoctorpro.com and use my promo code: TIWW to get up to $300 OFF air purifiers and a free 3 year warranty (and additional $84 value).

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  • Masculine And Feminine Energetics And How To Unify Them with Dené Logan | 231

    On this episode of TIWW, we’re going to talk not just about understanding masculine and feminine energetics, but unifying them. Within ourselves first, and then in our relationships.

    Our guest, Dené Logan is a Marriage and Family Therapist with an orientation in Depth Psychology (often referred to as ‘The Psychology of the Soul’), co-host of the podcast Cheaper Than Therapy, and author of the recently released book, Sovereign Love. With her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology and her experience being the mentee of acclaimed psychotherapist Esther Perel, Dené is passionate about sharing tools and strategies to cultivate spiritual awareness, understanding the current shifts taking place within our societal structures, and empowering others in understanding how they can live the most fulfilling lives possible.

    What I hope most is for you, and for me, for all of us, is shed the gender expectations, give our finger to the should and the supposed to’s, so that we can show up as our best, most authentic selves – which is a mix of the masculine and the feminine.

    But in order to do that, we need to know ourselves, deeply and intimately – we get to build and create from the inside out, knowing that whatever energy that exists authentically within us is as it should be.

    Connect with Dené:

    Website: https://denelogan.com/

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/dene.logan/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@denelogan

    Book: Sovereign Love, available on Amazon

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    Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

    Visit https://www.heyfreya.co/ and use promo code TIWW for 25% off multivitamins and other products - I use the Thrive multivitamin, Quench, and Nourish daily!

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  • Be A Likeable Badass with Alison Fragale | 230

    We explore a common paradox on this episode (and I’ll be up front that this is one I’ve struggled with for most of my career) – and that is, being a likeable badass.

    How can we be both liked as a person and respected for our success? How do we get the recognition, negotiate for our value, and create opportunities without our peers or colleagues seeing us as cold, calculating or selfish? How do we create and leverage power and status as women, if we feel icky about the words power and status?

    I don’t have the answers, friend, but I know someone who does.

    Alison Fragale is the author of Likeable Badass and the Mary Farley Ames Lee Distinguished Scholar of Organizational Behavior at the Kenan-Flagler Business School. Her work has been published in the most prestigious academic journals in her field, and is featured in prominent media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Financial Times, Boston Globe, and many more. A sought-after keynote speaker and trusted advisor, Alison was introduced to me by Adam Grant, and is here today to help us understand more about power, status, and likeability – and how those things impact our ability to get more of what we want.

    A loving reminder that whether or not you’re a working professional, we’re ALL negotiating for the things we want, for what matters most to us.

    And whether you’re at work or in your personal relationships, your status matters.

    It’s time for us to set aside those limiting mindsets because they aren’t serving us or our people.

    You can be and become a likable badass.

    Connect with Alison:

    Website: https://alisonfragale.com/

    Subscribe to Alison’s Substack: https://alisonfragale.substack.com

    Book: https://www.amazon.com/Likeable-Badass-Women-Success-Deserve/dp/0385549148

    Like what you heard? Please rate and review

    Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

    Visit https://nicolekalil.com/retreats to learn more about our BE Hive reTREATs, our signature reTREAT for women in business, our Family Forecasting reTREATs for couples to get aligned with their goals and each other, and upcoming Snooze Fest reTREATs for exhausted women who just need a f*@king break!

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  • 7 Keys To Unlock Your Dynamic Drive with Molly Fletcher | 229

    We live in a world where success is often experienced or witnessed in a matter of moments, but what we don’t see are the behind the scenes choices and experiences that got them there. We aren’t learning about what our guest calls “dynamic drive” that leads to sustainable success. It’s not just about setting and achieving goals, there’s so much more to it than that.

    Hailed as the “female Jerry Maguire” by CNN, Molly Fletcher has made a name for herself as one of the first female sports agents. During her almost two-decade career, and as President of CSE, Molly negotiated over $500 million in contracts and represented over 300 of sports’ biggest names. A World’s Top 50 Keynote Speaker, the host of the Game Changers with Molly Fletcher podcast, and the founder of The Molly Fletcher Company, she helps leaders transform workplace complacency with her Game Changer Negotiation Training and The Energized Leader programs. Her new book, Dynamic Drive: The Purpose Fueled Formula for Sustainable Success just hit the shelves, and you’re gonna want to get your hands on it.

    Being driven isn’t just about mowing your way through life and barreling over anyone who gets in your way. It’s just not that simple and it doesn’t require you to be an asshole. Drive is a mindset, and energy, a discipline, and includes curiosity, resilience, connection and my favorite of them all, confidence.

    Connect with Molly:

    Website: https://mollyfletcher.com/

    Book: https://www.amazon.com/Dynamic-Drive-Purpose-Fueled-Formula-Sustainable/dp/0306834197

    Podcast: https://mollyfletcher.com/podcasts/

    Game Changer Performance Group: https://gamechangerperformancegroup.com/

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    Bamboo fabric that is perfectly soft, temperature regulating, machine washable and committed to ethical production, Cozy Earth checks all the boxes, and is now on every bed in my house. Get your sheets (and more) by visiting cozyearth.com and use my code NICOLEKALIL to get 40% off!

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  • Finding Purpose Through Human Design with Emma Dunwoody | 228

    I find tools like Human Design fascinating, and it’s always a little shocking to me how accurate they can be, and how taking the time to self-reflect, to get to know myself better, to learn more about who I am and who I’m not – always makes me better. And I want that for you too!

    So I’ve invited Emma Dunwoody, Human Design Expert, Master Coach, Behavioral Specialist and host of the #1 Global Human Design Podcast to be our guest as we dive deeper into Human Design. Emma wants to inspire everyone to unlock their inner wisdom, take their power back and feel deeply confident in the decisions they make, creating a population that values themselves and courageously lives their truth.

    My goal in doing a series of episodes about tools like Human Design, is for you to increase your self-awareness, sure, but also your self-acceptance and self-appreciation. It’s about building your confidence – because confidence is all about trusting yourself – which requires you to build a deep, intimate relationship with all the things you are and are not, and invites you to embrace yourself just as you are.

    It’s time to get to know YOU better!

    Connect with Emma:

    Website: www.emmadunwoody.com

    IG: @the_human_design_coach

    Free Chart: https://www.emmadunwoody.com/get-your-chart

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    Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

    It’s not the money in your accounts or the income that you make that’s determining your financial situation or financial future – it’s YOU! If you’re not aware of your financial type, make sure to order Finding Your Financial Type by Chantel Bonneau, CFP.

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