Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Trapped in Time: Adventure in Split's Ancient Palace Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-02-22-23-34-00-hr Story Transcript:Hr: U samom srcu Splita, unutar masivnih zidina Dioklecijanove palače, Mateo, Ivana i Luka hodali su kroz prošlost.En: In the very heart of Split, within the massive walls of Diocletian's Palace, Mateo, Ivana, and Luka were walking through the past.Hr: Svugdje su vidjeli tragove povijesti, ali i šarenilo karnevalskih dekoracija.En: Everywhere they saw traces of history, but also the vibrant colors of carnival decorations.Hr: Mateo je s ponosom objašnjavao: "Ovdje su nekada prolazile rimske legije!En: Mateo proudly explained, "Roman legions used to pass through here!"Hr: "Zimski vjetar prodirao je kroz kamene prolaze, ali nevrijeme je samo dodavalo uzbuđenje avanturi.En: The winter wind penetrated through the stone passages, but the bad weather only added excitement to the adventure.Hr: Ivana i Luka slušali su s zanimanjem, dok su škripavi koraci odjekivali između kamenih zidova.En: Ivana and Luka listened with interest, while their squeaky steps echoed between the stone walls.Hr: "Hajdemo u podrum!En: "Let's go to the basement!"Hr: " predložio je Mateo, nastavljajući svoju improviziranu lekciju.En: Mateo suggested, continuing his impromptu lesson.Hr: Tri prijatelja spustili su se niz uske stepenice u tamni, hladni podrum.En: The three friends descended the narrow stairs into the dark, cold basement.Hr: Luka je palio svjetlo na mobitelu, snimajući dok je Mateo govorio: "Sada smo rimski vojnici na maršu!En: Luka turned on the light on his phone, recording as Mateo spoke: "Now we're Roman soldiers on a march!"Hr: " Svi su stavili kartonske kacige na glavu i počeli oponašati marš, smijući se i uživajući.En: They all put cardboard helmets on their heads and began to mimic marching, laughing and enjoying themselves.Hr: Ali smijeh se ubrzo pretvorio u šok kad su čuli tupi zvuk.En: But laughter soon turned to shock when they heard a dull sound.Hr: Vrata su se za njima zatvorila.En: The door had closed behind them.Hr: Mateo se pokušao prisjetiti gdje su točno bili.En: Mateo tried to remember exactly where they were.Hr: "Mirno, nema panike," rekao je, pokušavajući prikriti nelagodu.En: "Calm down, no panic," he said, trying to mask his discomfort.Hr: "Sigurno postoji neki izlaz.En: "There must be an exit somewhere."Hr: "Ivana je odmah počela istraživati tamne kutke podruma.En: Ivana immediately started exploring the dark corners of the basement.Hr: "Možda postoji skriveni prolaz," predložila je, pipajući zidove.En: "Maybe there's a hidden passage," she suggested, feeling the walls.Hr: Luka je pokušao pronaći signal na mobitelu, ali bezuspješno.En: Luka tried to find a signal on his phone but to no avail.Hr: "Gdje su kad ti trebaju?En: "Where are they when you need them?"Hr: ", gunđao je, rugajući se situaciji.En: he grumbled, mocking the situation.Hr: Sat vremena su istraživali, a Mateo je razmišljao o svemu što zna o palači.En: They explored for an hour, and Mateo thought about everything he knew about the palace.Hr: "Dioklecijan je bio srdačan tip, sigurno nam je ostavio put izvan!En: "Diocletian was a charming guy, surely he left us a way out!"Hr: " rekao je kroz osmijeh, iako mu srce nije bilo tako opušteno.En: he said with a smile, although his heart wasn't so relaxed.Hr: Napokon, iza jedne od velikih bačvi, Ivana je primijetila nešto sumnjivo.En: Finally, behind one of the large barrels, Ivana noticed something suspicious.Hr: Lukina lampa otkrila je mali tunel.En: Luka’s flashlight revealed a small tunnel.Hr: "Pogledajte ovo!En: "Look at this!"Hr: " uzviknula je, puni nade.En: she exclaimed, full of hope.Hr: Provjeravali su tunel, nadajući se da vode prema izlazu.En: They checked the tunnel, hoping it led to an exit.Hr: Odjednom, kako su prošli kroz uski prolaz, trigerali su zvučni sustav.En: Suddenly, as they passed through the narrow passage, they triggered a sound system.Hr: Glasna automatska najava počela je pričati o povijesti palače, uz odjekajući zvuk koji ih je uplašio.En: A loud automated announcement began telling the history of the palace, with the echoing sound scaring them.Hr: "Nekako smo postali dijelom ture!En: "Somehow we've become part of the tour!"Hr: ", smijao se Mateo, dok je Ivana prekrivala uši.En: Mateo laughed, as Ivana covered her ears.Hr: Ova neobična buka privukla je pažnju čuvara palače.En: This unusual noise caught the attention of the palace guards.Hr: Kad su ih napokon pronašli, nisu bili ljuti.En: When they finally found them, they weren't angry.Hr: Umjesto toga, bili su fascinirani trojkom koja je ovako živopisno prikazivala povijest.En: Instead, they were fascinated by the trio who portrayed history so vividly.Hr: Njihova pustolovina bila je zanimljiva i smiješna.En: Their adventure was interesting and ...