
  • Logical Action

    We are fed a lot of generalised information through all sorts of media and even just through word of mouth, if something has worked for a friend they will tell you to do it and expect you to get the same results.
    With everything you put in to action you need to ask yourself is this action logical and in line with my goals?
    For example eating 'healthy food', but just because you are eating healthy food it doesn't mean that you are eating in a deficit.
    I hope that the episode can shed some light on things you might be doing because you've heard generalised information, but actually that certain piece isn't right for you.

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    11 分
  • The power of positivity

    Are you someone who struggles to celebrate wins?

    Regardless of whether they are big or small.

    You can set all the goals you want and achieve them all, if you are talking down to yourself, you will never appreciate what it is that you achieve and you will never be happy with the results you get.

    You can just keep going and hope that one day you will feel good about yourself, or you can try to get to the root of the problem.

    There are many reasons why you may feel you cant celebrate any wins or why you might talk down to yourself.  You may not even realise you do this as you could have done it for so long you just normailse it.

    In todays episode I want to run you through the method I use with my clients to flip this and have you talking to yourself in a more positive manner and also celebrating wins no matter how big or small.

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    9 分
  • Getting the best start to 2023

    Who do you want to be in 12 months time?
    What action are you going to take in order for that to become a reality?
    In this episode I'm going to give you actual strategies for setting goals.  Not wishy washy, vague dreams that you have, solid achievable goals that, if you take action towards, will change your life!

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    10 分
  • Buts and Maybe's

    Are you putting fictional obstacles in your own way because you have fear of failure?
    You have fear to get out of your comfort zone so you create excuses!
    This is a certain way to stop progress!
    Stop thinking of all the bad things that could, but probably wont happen and start thinking of what the positive out comes of your actions could be if you move aside all the obstacles and excuses you put in your own way.

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    6 分
  • Winter blues?

    Autumn/Winter blues can hit people hard.  I know it has effected me for years and years.
    The lack of sunlight can just make you feel down and then motivation/discipline dips and as a result, progress comes to a schreeching halt.
    In this episode I discuss 3 huge factors that have made the difference to me this year, they are simple but effective.
    If you feel a bit crap this time of year then you'll be able to relate to where im coming from in this one.

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    10 分
  • Top tips for progressing over festive period

    The autumn and winter months are cold and dark.
    Usually that means a dip in energy, motivation and focus.
    In this episode I just want to give you a few small tips to get through the winter period without having to start all over again in the new year.
    Why not start the new year feeling the best you've ever felt?  There's some tips in this episode that are very simple but very effective!  I hope you find them useful.

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    9 分
  • The all or nothing approach

    Are you either all in or nothing at all?
    While this approach may have you feeling very motivated at the time its usually the cause of yo-yo dieting.  You start to do things when you start to gain a little or you start feeling crap so go all out for a couple of months and then the cycle repeats.
    Having a sustainable approach would just solve all of that.

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    9 分
  • Do you make more excuses than sacrifices?

    This episode has got me all fired up.
    The fact is you cant and wont see change if you are not honest with yourself about what needs to be sacrificed to make your life better for YOU!
    Do you want to be the same person you are now in 365 days? Probably not, therefore something needs to give, and yes that means stepping outside your comfort zone.  It means difficult choices need to be made.  Stop making excuses because you are scared.  It's surely a scarier feeling being in the same unhappy place that you are today.

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    7 分